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Client Eligibility

Client Eligibility can vary depending on what program or service you are applying for with ACESS.

Eligible participants for any ACESS programs and services:

  • Must be a member or probationary member of the Mohawks of Akwesasne or Akwesasne Mohawk Nation Office as defined by their Membership Codes, regardless of residency.

  • Must have a valid Canadian Social Insurance Number.

  • Are deemed to be Unemployed / Employed Disadvantaged / Underemployed.

  • Have not participated in ACESS programs beyond 208-week maximum time frame (excluding SEED, START, Best Matches and Apprentices).


* Employed Disadvantaged is defined as a person who faces multiple barriers to employment such as those who:

  • Lack good work habits

  • Lack in job experience

  • Lack education / training

  • Have physical or mental disability


Underemployed is defined as a person who is employed at less than full-time or at a job inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs.

Training / Employment Support

The Akwesasne Career & Employment Support Services (ACESS) provides financial assistance through the Purchase of Training, Employment Initiatives and Employment Support Programs that are based on a client-centered approach and used to achieve:

  • Improved employability

  • Skill enhancement and increased earnings


Types of assistance that may be considered eligible include:

  • Vocational Training

  • Preparation for Employment

  • Language Training

  • Training of Apprentices

  • Occupational Orientation

  • Job Opportunities Training

  • Employment Cost Support


Training Programs may be implemented on a full-time basis (between 25-40 hours of instruction per week) or part-time basis (between 10-25 hours of instruction per week).


*Eligible Participant requirements are listed at the top of this page*

Client must contribute 10% to the Course Cost / Tuition

Additional Funding Sources:

After receiving notification from any agency that additional funding is being provided to an ACESS client, this amount will be deducted dollar for dollar from the ACESS rate.​

Attendance, Grade Requirements and Suspension:

  • All students must attend classes regularly and consistently.

  • Students must maintain or exceed a minimum grade point average of 2.0 or “C” per semester.

  • If a student receives less than 2.0, they are placed on academic probation.  S/he will have one semester to bring the GPA up to 2.0 or greater.  If not achieved, s/he will not receive financial assistance from the ACESS the following semester. 

Career Action Plan:  All participants must have a current Career Action Plan (CAP) that is signed by the client and the Career Development Officer or Employment Officer.


208 Weeks:  The maximum duration that an individual can participate in any combination of financial interventions / programs (excluding SEED, START, Best Matches and Apprentices) is a cumulative, not consecutive, 208 week-period. 

Post-Secondary (College / University)

The Post-Secondary Support (PSS) component is located with the Purchase of Training Program and contributes to the realization of the Employment Improvement Program (EIP) objective, which is to achieve:

  • Improved employability

  • Successful integration into appropriate employment


Potential clients are required to apply to all other sources (such as the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Higher Education) prior to approaching ACESS.


Types of Courses Funded:

  • Funding will only be considered for courses that are offered by an accredited college or university. 

  • Students enrolled in correspondence or independent study may be eligible for living allowances.  ACESS may fund tuition and allowance for an online course (at an accredited institution) if applicable.


Full-Time Students include those who are registered in an accredited post-secondary institution whose schedule reflects full-time status.


Part-Time Students include those who are registered in an accredited post-secondary institution whose schedule reflects part-time status.


Eligible Students:

  • Must be a member or probationary member of the Mohawks of Akwesasne or Akwesasne Mohawk Nation Office as defined by their Membership Codes, regardless of residency.

  • Must have a valid Canadian Social Insurance Number

  • Are deemed to be Unemployed / Employed Disadvantaged / Underemployed

  • Have not participated in ACESS programs beyond 208-week maximum time frame (excluding SEED, START, Best Matches and Apprentices).


  • Undergraduate students must also meet one of the following options:


  1. In the second half of a 2 or 3-year College or 4-year University program; and receiving the maximum allowable from AMBE and/or other funding sources and is able to demonstrate that these funds are insufficient to meet the overall tuition costs. *

  2. Just beginning a 1-year program and not receiving the maximum allowable AMBE and/or other funding sources; and able to demonstrate that other funds have been secured which are insufficient to meet the overall tuition costs. *

  3. Re-entering the labour force or pursuing a new career where AMBE or ACESS has not sponsored (training or work-related funds) the client under a different career path in the past five (5) years unless it can be proven the training is progressive. *

* Secured funds will be committed and expended prior to the expenditure of ACESS funds. ACESS’ contribution will not exceed AMBE’s rates.


  • Graduate applicants must also meet the following requirements:


  1. Enrollment in a 1, 2, or 3-year Graduate program. 

  2. Demonstrate that the amount awarded by AMBE, and any other funding sources, is not sufficient to cover tuition costs.

* Maximum award will not exceed the amount awarded by AMBE. 

Ineligible Students:

  • Students who have been denied funding from AMBE due to not meeting grade requirements/GPA. 

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